There are a lot of choices to make when a loved one passes away. Do you want to have a funeral or cremation service for them? Where should their memorial be held? What should you do for a final resting place? There are plenty of options for all of those areas. If you are leaning toward burial in one of the cemeteries in Colonial Beach, VA, it’s nice to know what plot options are available. Even if you aren’t making a choice right now, having these details in mind can help you to move forward in the right direction when you have to make plans, whether you plan for yourself or for a loved one who passes on. Here are some of the burial plot options to consider.
Single Plots
This is the most common type of plot that you might typically think of when you consider a burial plot of any kind. The single plot has space for a single casket. You can buy these plots in advance, of you can get one when you need one for a loved one’s burial.
Double Plots
Double plots are as they sound, plots with double the space. Many people use these for married couples. But they can also be used for a single person if you simply want more space for that person, a bigger headstone, or something else of that nature.
Family Plots
Family plots are going to be several plots in a row or several in the same area. The number of plots can vary depending on the space available. You might want to save space for family members in the future, whether you know exactly who wants to be buried there upfront or not. It can be nice to having openings for future family members so more of your family can end up together when that time comes.
Cremation Plots 
Cremation plots are much smaller than any of the other plot options and they cost less, too. These plots are often within an area of the cemetery called the ‘cremation garden,’ or they can be scattered around the cemetery in a more random manner. These plots hold cremated urns and are small and a nice place for the remains to be kept safe in a traditional manner.
If you are trying to figure out what might work for a loved one, it’s good to know what the options are so you can figure out what direction you want to take for a loved one’s final services leading up to the burial. If you want to plan in advance for yourself, looking into burial plots with cemeteries in Colonial Beach, VA can also help you. It’s also nice just to know what’s out there because in the future, you may need to be able to make important decisions for special people in your life. The cemetery professionals are there to answer any questions you have, now or in the future. Give them a call whenever you need details.