The Grief Trail

The Grief Trail at Historyland Memorial Park and Arboretum is a ¼ mile trail winding through beautiful hardwoods along natural waterways in scenic King George, Virginia.
Throughout the Grief Trail, the curves, hills, and valleys are a physical representation of the journey we all face throughout the grieving process. There are devastating lows and intense plateaus in the stages of depression, denial, bargaining, anger, and acceptance. These experiences only make the highs and beautiful views that much richer.
The trail is designed to encourage those who are in the midst of the grieving process, whether due to a recent loss or long term, to share in the gift of nature and fellowship of those in similar situations. Individuals may want to take the time to meditate and be alone with their thoughts, or participate in a group walk drawing encouragement and strength from others.
The Grief Trail offers the opportunity to participate in healing factors including the ability to share your grief without the fear of burdening others, the grounding and healing impact of connecting with nature, and the psychological benefits of physical activity. There is no guidebook to grief but we believe that facing and understanding the stages of grief can be beneficial to those experiencing the loss of a loved one or to those who are supporting their family members through a loss.