Flower Regulations
To maintain the beauty of our Park, all floral and decorative objects are cleaned from the entire cemetery during the weeks of March 1st – 15th and November 15th – 21st. Please retrieve objects with significant meaning prior to these dates.
Only one decorative/floral object may be placed on a grave at a time. Flowers must be in an approved vase or secured on top of the monument. Nothing is allowed on the ground during grass cutting season March 1st – November 15th. Wreaths and sprays on easels are permitted only between November 15th – March 1st, and must be anchored securely to the ground away from memorials. Wind chimes are permitted only if hung on tree branches and have sounding elements that are less than six inches in length.
Artificial flowers are permitted, but may be removed at our discretion when they become weathered or are damaging the memorial.
Seasonal flowers must be removed 15 days after the holiday.
Flowers should be securely anchored in the vase. If flowers are blown away, we are not responsible to return them to the correct grave or to provide compensation for their loss. See our office for suggestions regarding this.
Graves are cleared of wilted or weathered objects throughout the year as deemed necessary by the Groundskeepers. If you wish to retrieve a live plant, please be sure to do so before the plant wilts. We are not responsible for flowers and plants left on graves.
Mausoleum and Columbarium floral tributes are to be placed only in areas designated by the Cemetery.
Groundskeepers reserve the right to reposition or remove objects that do not conform to the Cemetery Rules & Regulations or interfere with the performance of their duties.
Other stipulations:
• Small American flags are always permitted either in a vase or in the ground immediately beside the memorial
• Plantings are to only be in areas designated by the Cemetery
• No glass containers, tin cans, bottles, jars, etc. will be allowed
• No miscellaneous objects (pinwheels, solar lights, garden flags, statues, trinkets, etc.) will be allowed
• Decorations not in compliance with these regulations will be removed
• Funeral flowers left after the burial will be removed by the Cemetery Staff when they become unsightly