The first decision you have to make, whether a loved one has died or you are planning your own services in advance, is which basic method you want. Do you want a funeral and burial or cemeteries in Fredericksburg, VA? Even if you decide on cremation services, you can still have a cemetery burial. In fact, there are a lot of benefits to that final resting place. Here are a few to consider:
The Costs Are Lower Than Traditional Burial
If you like the idea of a traditional burial, but you can’t afford a funeral because the costs are simply too high for you, going with cremation and then having the remains buried in a cemetery could be the way to go. The costs of a burial after cremation is much lower than a traditional funeral and burial process. You will have a smaller plot with lower opening and closing costs. You also don’t need a casket, but rather an urn, which will cost less as well.
You Have A Place To Visit In The Future
There are lots of things you can do for someone’s resting place after cremation services, but not every option allows you to have a place to visit in the future. If you scatter their ashes, for example, you can visit that location later, but you know your loved one isn’t really there anymore. When you bury them in the cemetery, that’s where they remain. You can visit them there any time you want in the future, and so can any of your family members.
The Headstone Is A Permanent Memorial
IT’s always nice to have a permanent memorial for a loved one, and the headstone you place in the cemetery after burial is going to be that on an automatic level. You can do lots of other things, but you know at least that headstone is going to be there, letting everyone know that’s who is buried there.
It Gives You Something Traditional 
While cremation has been around for thousands of years, it feels like a non-traditional option. If you pair that with a regular cemetery burial, it can help you to put something traditional in the mix along with the other services. You might like the idea of cremation and a memorial, but having a traditional burial along with that can also be a nice way to go. There’s nothing wrong with mixing traditional and non-traditional options at once.
When you are trying to figure out what directions you want to take, either for a loved one or for yourself, you might want to talk to the funeral home and cremation providers as well as the professionals at cemeteries in Fredericksburg, VA. They can go over the different plot options and you can understand the differences between the costs if you are considering a funeral versus a cremation burial. Weigh the options with care and go with what feels best to your family, your loved one, and what you want for the future.