If you decide on cremation for a loved one who has passed on, there are lots of things you can do with their remains. You might feel that you still want the traditional path of burial in cemeteries in King George, VA and that’s a great direction to take. While you can get a cremation plot and bury an urn, you might want to think of what that person would want the most. If they have a spouse, perhaps you know they would want to be with that person in their final resting place. You might get two cremation plots next to each other so when the other person passes on, you can place them together. Or, you could get a companion urn that you can bury once both people are gone. Here are some details.
What Companion Urns Are
Companion urns are intended to hold the remains of more than one person and they are made in a number of different ways. IT could be an urn that has one large compartment that will hold the ashes of two people. Or, it could be an urn with two separate compartments within one urn, one for each person. They come in a variety of different sizes and you are going to want to ensure you get one that is the right size for both people.
Customizing The Urn
If you decide to get a companion urn, you are going to want it to be something that will be acceptable to both people who will use it. You might want to engrave it with their names, get a material you think they would both enjoy, or do other things that make it special and something they would both appreciate. If one is still living, you can get their help in customizing to their liking. They also will likely know what their loved one would appreciate.
More About Burial 
While cremation urns that are built for more than one person, companion urns, are larger than a single urn, you can still bury them in a regular cremation plot within the cemetery. When one person passes on, you might want to place them in the urn and then keep it in a place of honor within your home. Perhaps the spouse of the person will keep the urn. Then, when the second person passes on, you will place them inside and bury it as one unit. You can get the cemetery plot at any time and it will wait until you are ready to use it.
If you are trying to figure out what to do for a loved one who has passed on, consider who they might want to be with in their final resting place. The professionals at cemeteries in King George, VA can go over the options with you, one of which is to get a companion urn that can hold more than one person. You can look at the cremation plot options and make your purchase whenever you feel ready to move forward with the choices.