When a loved one passes on, you are going to have to figure out what their needs are and how to cover them. You likely involve a funeral home and cremation provider and get them into professional hands so they have the care they need while you figure out what you are going to do next. If you want a burial for them, either in a traditional sense or after cremation, you will also need help from one of the cemeteries in Fredericksburg, VA. Any final services you enlist are going to have costs to them and you are going to have to figure out how you are going to cover those expenses. Here are a few resources to consider.
Life Insurance
If your loved one had life insurance, you might be the beneficiary of that policy. Some people have a policy that covers their final expenses and that’s all. It’s a nice way to read into what your loved one might have wanted. IF the policy isn’t large, maybe going with cremation is a better fit. Life insurance is sometimes on the large side and might help cover household expenses and other things as well. You get to decide what happens with the policy, but fitting your loved one’s needs in first is always a priority.
Checking/Savings Accounts
You may have access to your loved one’s checking and savings accounts after their death and that’s another resource you can use to cover their burial costs. If they didn’t have much, or you can’t access those accounts just yet, check your own savings. You may have emergency savings in reserve and this is a good use for them. Your loved one has needs and you want to take care of them.
Burial plots, opening and closing graves, and other such final service expenses are not cheap and you might not have enough to cover everything. You might put together a crowdfunding campaign to help your family gather what is needed. These platforms can spread the word through the community and to friends out of town quickly and you might be surprised by what you can gather in a short amount of time.
Family Pools 
Your family wants your loved one to have what they need and all you have to do is ask for people to chip in and they likely will. See what your family can put towards the cause and you might easily be able to gather what you need to move forward with plans you have in mind.
Memorial Funds
People are going to want to reach out to your family in sympathy and many will send cards with money in them. You can use those memorial funds for final service costs, if you need or want to. It’s always a nice thing to do with that money.
Talk to the cemeteries in Fredericksburg, VA about the options for covering costs and they will help you with the expenses, your budget, and how to get things taken care of.