If you have a burial service for a loved one, either as part of a funeral or cremation service or as more of a direct process, you will need to have help from cemeteries in Fredericksburg, VA. These professionals will help you find a plot within their grounds and they can give you advice on other issues pertaining to the services you are going to have as well. For example, if you want to know what kind of dress code you should put on the service, they can give you suggestions on that. Here are some pieces of advice about dress code for whatever service you are having in the cemetery.
Understand The Service Style
Before you decide on what everyone should wear, you will want to think about the style of the service you are having. If it’s a formal funeral followed by a burial service, people will probably feel the most comfortable dressing as they would for a ceremonial funeral. They will wear dark clothing and dressy attire. If, on the other hand, you are having a casual burial service, you might want to go with a dress code that is more on the casual side. The style of the service will inform the attire required in big ways.
Offer Suggestions To Friends/Family
Once you decide what you want for the service and, by extension, the clothing that works well for that service, you can offer suggestions to your family members and friends who will be attending. If you are having a formal funeral, tell family to wear things they would normally wear to a funeral. If you are going more casual, tell family to wear something they would wear to a casual business meeting or something of that sort. Give examples so everyone knows what feel you are going for.
Don’t Have Overt Requirements
While you might have a certain dress code in mind, don’t require anyone to wear anything specific. If someone shows up wearing something a little different than what you had in mind, that’s okay. You can offer suggestions, but don’t require someone to wear something they aren’t comfortable with just to get into the service. And don’t look down on them for not following suggestions. Not everyone may hear the ideas you had and not everyone may have the clothing you asked for them to wear. People will want to follow instructions, if at all possible, but go easy on judgement over those that don’t.
Remember Presence Is Most Important
Don’t spend too much time thinking about what you or anyone else should wear to the final services in cemeteries in Fredericksburg, VA. Keep in mind that everyone who comes, their presence is the most important thing. They are supporting you and honoring your loved one by showing up no matter what they are wearing. If you have questions about what you should wear or what you can suggest to others, the experts at Historyland Memorial Park are here to help you figure out the details.